Cesky Krumlov Part Two
As said in my last post, i might some local krumlov guys the first night there.. they were both in heavy metal music and going to school for computer engineer.. Notice similiaries anyone? When they ask everybody at the table what type of music we liked, most gave specific answers, at least listing genres... except for the frenchman.. "i listen to everything"... the two czechs looked at each other and one of them said, jokingly, "so you listen to polka music?".. No, was the answer. "So then you don;t really listen to everything". HA! My thoughts exactly.
The most of humor of the night came when they told us their opinion of the german language (which they attempted to learn in school).. Here is a paraphrase of their thoughts: The phrase "my lovely darling" sounds very nice in czech (they said it in czech) but sounds like "I WANT TO KILL YOU" in German, and then they said the phrase in German, and it really did sound hostile.. it was a laugh..
And my final memory, also related to humor and language.. i went to dinner with several gents i meet at the hostel on saturday, two other californians (dave and somebody from san diego), and aussie (peter) and the french guy (sebastian). Well Mr. Sandiego tells a joke about a bear and rabbit going the bathroom in the woods (i;ll spare you the details), he tells it too fast for sebastian or in language which is not clear for translation. after the rest of us are done laughing, mr. san diego re-tells teh joke, slowly, to sebastian so he could translate better. for some reason, this was just hilarious. i mean, the joke was funny, but the way he had to explain it again for a someone who doesn:t speak english as a first language was just outrageous. sorry, again, you probably had to be there.. or at least see me recreate the scene in person.. ask me in a month.
Also discussed at dinner, david hasslehoff (of nightrider and baywatch fame), specifically the joke rumor of his rap identity, Hassle the Hoff
Now for some pics of Cesky Krumlov:
This is my favorite picture. Old house and skoda car on a side street. Ps - skoda is a czech automobile maker. The name (according to wikipedia) translates to "damage, detriment, disadvantage"??!
Dragon door
The bell in the castle tower
From the castle, looking down onto central square (multicolored buildings, yellow, green, facing you).
Another church, looking up from river bank. The vlata river winds like a snake through c. krumlov.
UPDATE: Yes i visited the castle, its large and has a big painted steeple (which i have not posted a pic of yet..) The castle walls are made out of stucco or cement-like substance but then painted to look like stonework. its the weirdest thing ever. i sorta hate it.
The most of humor of the night came when they told us their opinion of the german language (which they attempted to learn in school).. Here is a paraphrase of their thoughts: The phrase "my lovely darling" sounds very nice in czech (they said it in czech) but sounds like "I WANT TO KILL YOU" in German, and then they said the phrase in German, and it really did sound hostile.. it was a laugh..
And my final memory, also related to humor and language.. i went to dinner with several gents i meet at the hostel on saturday, two other californians (dave and somebody from san diego), and aussie (peter) and the french guy (sebastian). Well Mr. Sandiego tells a joke about a bear and rabbit going the bathroom in the woods (i;ll spare you the details), he tells it too fast for sebastian or in language which is not clear for translation. after the rest of us are done laughing, mr. san diego re-tells teh joke, slowly, to sebastian so he could translate better. for some reason, this was just hilarious. i mean, the joke was funny, but the way he had to explain it again for a someone who doesn:t speak english as a first language was just outrageous. sorry, again, you probably had to be there.. or at least see me recreate the scene in person.. ask me in a month.
Also discussed at dinner, david hasslehoff (of nightrider and baywatch fame), specifically the joke rumor of his rap identity, Hassle the Hoff
Now for some pics of Cesky Krumlov:

UPDATE: Yes i visited the castle, its large and has a big painted steeple (which i have not posted a pic of yet..) The castle walls are made out of stucco or cement-like substance but then painted to look like stonework. its the weirdest thing ever. i sorta hate it.
Did you go to the castle? there is a castle there isn't there? Did you like it there?
Did you go to the castle? there is a castle there isn't there? Did you like it there?
See the end of this entry, updated with comments on the castle, which i did visit.
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