The jewish section of Prague is called "josefov". There are several synagoges still there, some quite beautiful (the spanish synagogue). Many of them have been turned into museums about the Czech jews and their sad history in prague. During hitlers time, josefov was turned into a ghetto, with the jews restricted to only this tiny section of prague. only one cemetary existed and it filled up quickly, people had to be buried up to 6 deep in a single grave. the tombstones are stacked and falling over onto each other. The above picture is the entrance to the cemetary. Please view a few more
pictures of the josefov cemetary.

Went to the Mucha Museum, which highlights the works of painter, photographer and most importantly illustrator
Alfons Mucha, native of Czech Republic.

During my hunt for warm clothes i ventured to a czech mall and found a bookstore with programming books :) the only word i understood was "java".

This mesuem of mechanical music players was hidden inside the walls of prague castle, i just happened to stumble upon it. Great stuff here, player painos, automated 1-man band, old phonographs, everything. All most all czech made and almost everything worked and was demonstrated by the friendly guides.

The author Kafka is from prague or czech republic maybe? cool statue..
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