Work Will Free (you)
Today i visited concentration camps in Oświęcim, Poland. There is Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II aka Birkenau. The following are the only photos i took. Ask me more about it in person.

Beautiful tree covered lane.. The grounds and buildings here are "relativley" nice because it was not designed as a death camp but rather a campus for soldiers.

One of the entrances to Auschwitz with the words "arbeit macht frei", meaning "Work Will Free" (you) or "Work Liberates".

Israeli students visiting, flying many many flags.

This is Birkenau, which was designed from scatch for the purpose of extermination. The main entrance/guard tower sits at the end of this rail line, look hard and you will see it and realize how large this place is.

Inside the latrine houses, "Behave Calmly"

Beautiful tree covered lane.. The grounds and buildings here are "relativley" nice because it was not designed as a death camp but rather a campus for soldiers.

One of the entrances to Auschwitz with the words "arbeit macht frei", meaning "Work Will Free" (you) or "Work Liberates".

Israeli students visiting, flying many many flags.

This is Birkenau, which was designed from scatch for the purpose of extermination. The main entrance/guard tower sits at the end of this rail line, look hard and you will see it and realize how large this place is.

Inside the latrine houses, "Behave Calmly"
looks like it was the location of hell on earth. i can barely stand to look at it nevermind go to it.
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