Today I decided to take part in the most extreme sport offered in Interlaken, Skydiving!! Caitlin and I decided that we would take part in some of the extreme outings today, she went hang-gliding and I jumped into a van to go skydiving with sky dive switzerland. When I got here i knew i wanted to do one the activities, at first i thought bungie jumping.. but after hearing a few people rave about skydiving and with the spur of the moment, last minute trip offered this afternoon (spur of the moment so i couldn't have time to ponder), i went for it. IT WAS AWESOME. Umm.. It's very difficult to put into words how fun it was. Some details though - you suit up and get some quick instructions.. when the door opens you put your feet out of the plane and put your head back onto your jump master's chest. he then rolls the both of you out the window at which time you arch your back and feet, basically make your body the shape of a banana. We went to 13000 feet and the freefall is 45 seconds long. I got no quesy stomach feeling during the free fall, just huge amounts of force and speed. Pretty easy to breath and nothing much to see (unforetunetly), it was sunning when i left the hostel but cloudy once i got into the air, so i just wizzed through the clouds. it was still a wicked blast. once we broke through the clouds, the parachute opened and then we decented for ~7 minutes, this was also incredible. Really peaceful, relaxed ride with incredible views. I took video with my camera once the chute was open. I also paid for photos of the whole thing, done by another skydiving. The pressure on the ears was so intense. Once we got below the clouds and chute open, i could hardly hear anything... then slowly my ears started poping and poping and poping. They were still poping an hour after i was on the ground. For the landing, you grab your pants and lift your legs up so they are horizontal and then you slide in on your ass.

Suited up for the jump

My jump master Hartmann Roly

The view of Interlaken from the airplane

Here we go!!


Right under the clouds, before the parachute opens

The 'chute opens

And 7 minutes later we slide in on our butts

See skydiving photo set for even more pics

Suited up for the jump

My jump master Hartmann Roly

The view of Interlaken from the airplane

Here we go!!


Right under the clouds, before the parachute opens

The 'chute opens

And 7 minutes later we slide in on our butts

See skydiving photo set for even more pics
My jealousy has coalesced into a seething hatred. I hate you more than SAP at this point. By the next photo set, you will probably be past "all Swing layout managers combined" and well on your way to "Microsoft proprietary protocols."
Dood! This is so totally NOT extreme. I mean, have you ever tried to drive through the Brockton Burger King parking lot on a Sunday night while the fair is in town?! Ya, I didn't think so, wanker ;) Damn, my life if boring.
AMAZING! 'nuff said.. Actually I could've left some more comments up to this point, but that whole work daily grind (as mentioned repeatedly above) is making it a little difficult. I think I need to quit my job and go on my own vacation just to read your kick-ass blog! Best.
It hurts when I pee.
Sweet - the man friend and I were supposed to do this when he visited, but it was still a bit cold and also we were feeling poor. I think next chance though, that's it, I'm going! We are doing a hot air balloon ride next month on our trip.
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